
(Note: Cover art commissioned and provided by the writer/writer from artist: Caesar Nash, Instagram: @thisisntmeoryou) Click here for PDF of this piece, which includes all citations and footnotes in text: Can’t Breathe, James So Soon Gantt Reflection: 2017 The song and lyrics to “Can’t Breathe” were primarily inspired by the […]

“HERE” by Tiffany Lenoi Jones I am here. I am their teacher tiff, t-dollas, booboolanda, ti-ti, ey yo tiff, tiffany, and Ma! I am their mother, auntie, big sister I am their co-conspirator I am their reflection I am their teacher I am their student I close my eyes Think […]
“HERE” and “Healing the Past & Present for the Future” ...

Middle school teacher Wendy Barrales and her students attended a #BlackLivesMatter march in December of 2014. As students were engaged in activism on the streets, they took part in a capstone project called the Injustice Project where they researched and presented on relevant issues in their communities.
“Photographs From the Field: Middle Schoolers Fight for Justice”

An authentic look at a historically rebellious people
“Black History in America” by Diane Price

And here we are again. Why do we have to say Black Lives Matter? We do because so many things have happened – so many things have changed, and yet so many things seem to remain the same. We can understand a pregnant twenty year old Mary Turner in the […]
“So Many Things Have Changed” by Margaret A. Blair

I close my eyes and tell myself that what I feel is not real. It is weakness and I cannot be weak. Not in front of you. I am peaceful. I am strong. That’s what I tell myself. But there is an emotional hurricane brewing: with every news story about […]
“We Will Not Stop” by Ashley Renee Causey-Golden

Immigrant Sings the Blues you assume my American life did not include food stamps and rodents; that I never had an ER doctor administer charcoal to get the extra tablets out of my blood stream. you assume my American life did not include death, debt, and numerous cries tossed to […]
“Immigrant Sings the Blues” by Zahra Gordon

The importance of dispositions
“Teacher Responsibility and Agency in System Change” by Madhu Narayanan

Historic Divisiveness as Articulated in Personal Narratives from One Hundred Years of Hope about the Confederate Flag in South Carolina and Racial Tension in the United States
“Southern Symbolism” by Devair Jeffries

After all is said and done the hands come down the chants stop the mouths close the signs are put away Time and morning threaten to wash us out we retreat to our homes before they arrive We get to go home. Get to see and hold our loved ones […]
“#BeyondtheMarches” by José Alfredo Menjivar

Cultivating Racial Identity in the Age of #BlackLivesMatter
“Please Pardon My Blackness” by Tiffany M. B. Anderson, Ph.D.

We been striving for our people to be free They want change but some can’t see It’s our time we been waiting to long Jim Crow know by the end of this song We feel Obama cause he look like us They never showed love, they never gave him trust […]
“Racism You Gotta Go” by Jeff Suttles

Attention Attention My Brother’s and Sistas We have a serious epidemic goin on out here Racism must stop I’m down with Black Lives Matter on this one Big shout out to the Beat Minerz, Let’s Go I can’t believe how it’s all going down Say I can’t breath in my […]
“Cross the Line” by Jeff Suttles

Assumptions 101: The True Confessions of a White, Newbie Professor “Teaching” PoC Youth that Black Lives Matter Lydia Shestopalova Haven’t we all heard that “when you ‘assume,’ you make an ‘ass’ of ‘u’ and me”? I’ve even taught that. But I truly learned the lesson when using the lens of […]
“Assumptions 101” by Lydia Shestopalova

Swimming Lessons: A Conversation in the Black Lives Matter Era by Kashema Hutchinson
“Swimming Lessons” by Kashema Hutchinson

Lessons Learned in the Education of Black and Brown Children
“What’s a White Woman to Do?” by Corie McCallum
![Wong, A. L. (n.d.). Keuze [Digital]. Retrieved from http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=165400&picture=&jazyk=NL](https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.commons.gc.cuny.edu/wp-content/blogs.dir/3118/files/2017/02/choice-e1488911508301-570x350.jpg)
Points of union and division in bilingual and special education